Tag Archives: BlackBerry

P40: Mobile, Remote and Batman

19 Aug

I am afraid this post is not much of a suggestion. It is a list of essentials that I hold on very dearly to. My mobile, TV remote and everything Batman, now are my inanimate earthly possessions that I cling on to and protect fiercely. From who, you ask? I protect them from my bonsai-man, my son.

He, now, is a man trapped in a toddler’s body. He reaches everything between one and a half feet to two. That would, technically, need me to have everything hitched up two feet into air – my sofa, TV cabinet, book shelves, kitchen cabinets, photo albums, canvases, bamboos, candles, shoes. God forbid, if you forget anything that is left on the floor, my hoover-boy will find it and will pop it into his mouth to test. Everything now, runs by the test of drool!

He wants everything that is either mine or my wife’s (including us two). He will forsake his food for that spicy something on our plates. Who wants oats when you can have noodles! And that applies to all that he plays with. So, who wants fake mobiles when you can play with the real thing! He owns my wife’s BlackBerry. In fact, it looks less than a BlackBerry and more like a fake. It has been put to every test possible (maybe BB should hire my son for their latest, but alas, they are bought over now). I cannot hear her clearly when she uses that tool that was once meant to be a phone. He has speed-dialled the local grocery store, desi restaurant and relatives in the UK. And so, after his conquest of his mother’s phone, he has set his sight on his father’s mobile and since then, I have been working overtime as a magician to make it disappear. My mobile, lives on, till date.

He loves remotes. In fact, I bought him a remote; and a real thing it was! But it met a sad end, thrown away in cruel negligence in a few days. It was because when he pressed the buttons, nothing happened on the TV. His next attack was on the remote that his papa wielded. Till date I have successfully managed to keep his goldfish attention span fed on other things whenever he cranked up his cries for the remote.

And the third and very important thing is all my Batman stuff. Right from Batman earplugs to Batman figurines and mugs, cubby-cat wants to have a go at. And like it happens in Hollywood flicks, I have travelled ahead in a time-warp to see my Batman dolls ears gnawed and chewed, his cape torn from his body suit and the incriminating teeth marks across his Kevlar armour. So now, everything Bruce and Bat is kept 2 feet upwards.

I have done my share of sacrifices – play his music when I want to listen to mine, allowed him to lounge on me just after I’ve had dinner, drooled like Niagara falls on the left shoulder, discoloured most of my t-shirts and shirts with his drool, discover flattened cereal on my jeans butt, my wedding ring dropped inside the master-bed cabinet, wristbands shoved under washing machines, laptop keys mauled and violated, and many more. But I cannot bear to part with my mobile, remote and Batman.

I continue, relentlessly. Much like the Dark Knight himself.

P26: Turns 2 months today!

22 Sep


Advait turns 2 months today.

Been thinking of the run-up to get him out in this mortal world. Right now we are 3 hours apart; I am in Dubai and he in New Delhi with his mother and grand-parents.

Thinking of his first outing in his car-seat. His first reaction to the stroller. His blissful reaction after he has ‘pooped’ in his diapers. His strange expressions that constantly entertained us.

I remember when we took him for his vaccination. There were 2 shots that were administered to his legs. I was dreading this outing, clearly because I cannot take in the sight of a needle going into such tender flesh. Once there in the clinic, his mother held his hands and I held his legs. It was a little atypical feeling. brave disposition as I held his legs during his first vaccination. With each jab, he let out a couple to squeals and then he just quieted down, as if comforted by our words. I think he was very brave. I am sure, I must have brought the hospital down when I had that as a child; and as have many.

Now I see him through daily photos that are sent to my BlackBerry. He is growing up and becoming strong. And I cant wait to hold him close to my chest and hear his cawing. I have been told that he loves talking. Well, I have lots to tell him too. Waiting for the day when I shall see him in 3 weeks time.


P15: 30 Days To You

14 Jul

30 days to you!

That was my wife’s BlackBerry messenger update. And when I chanced upon it, it was like a time wrap! So many things zoomed past me. I had walls of history and future racing past me as I stood there transfixed thinking about it all.

Thirty days and that thing that kicks and nudges my hand when I call out, will be out in this world.