Tag Archives: Vaccine

P26: Turns 2 months today!

22 Sep


Advait turns 2 months today.

Been thinking of the run-up to get him out in this mortal world. Right now we are 3 hours apart; I am in Dubai and he in New Delhi with his mother and grand-parents.

Thinking of his first outing in his car-seat. His first reaction to the stroller. His blissful reaction after he has ‘pooped’ in his diapers. His strange expressions that constantly entertained us.

I remember when we took him for his vaccination. There were 2 shots that were administered to his legs. I was dreading this outing, clearly because I cannot take in the sight of a needle going into such tender flesh. Once there in the clinic, his mother held his hands and I held his legs. It was a little atypical feeling. brave disposition as I held his legs during his first vaccination. With each jab, he let out a couple to squeals and then he just quieted down, as if comforted by our words. I think he was very brave. I am sure, I must have brought the hospital down when I had that as a child; and as have many.

Now I see him through daily photos that are sent to my BlackBerry. He is growing up and becoming strong. And I cant wait to hold him close to my chest and hear his cawing. I have been told that he loves talking. Well, I have lots to tell him too. Waiting for the day when I shall see him in 3 weeks time.